Hello! My name is Taeyoon and I make art projects, teach, write and curate about technology, cities and political possibilities. I live in New York and Seoul. You can follow me on twitter and github.
I’m one of the co-founders of school for poetic computation in New York.
school for poetic computation is an artist run school in New York that was founded in 2013. A small group of students and faculty work closely to explore the intersections of code, design, hardware and theory — focusing especially on artistic intervention. It’s a hybrid of a school, residency and research group. Our motto is: more poetry, less demo.
I teach analog/digital electronics, as well as performance, drawing and writing. Very excited about making cartoon about the fundamentals of computation: binary logic and so on. Here is a slide that explains why I’m into circuits.
After an amazing ten weeks with fifteen incredible students last fall. Check out all the pictures I took from day one til the last night. we are doing this one more time this spring! YEAHHH
Here is a summary of work until 2011, check this video.
and here is a pretty recent slideshow that explains what I try to do with my work.
I’m directed Making Lab at APAP in South Korea.
Making Lab will present series of workshops and performance by International and local artists and provide facility for local community to utilize opensource tools and computational medium. Located in Anyang Pavilion at Anyang Public Art Park, it is a proposition for a Maker Space. From February to Septmeber of 2013, Making Lab hosted numerous pre-opening programs. Making Lab will begin full operation with Making Marathon, a weeklong special event in October. Making Lab will continue to search for an archetype of sustainable community laboratory driven by local needs and participati
Very happy to have worked with my favorite artists such as KOBAKANT, Fab Coop, Phillip Stearns and more. I made Opensource Kits and facilitated 25+ workshops between 2013~2014. For pictures here.
I will be participating in LACMA Art + Tech Lab with my friend E Roon Kang. Read full proposal here.
Also, I’m directing GaOk, a space for cultural producers, where I host occasional demos and workshop by artists and hackers.
I also write and send letters to strangers. Like this via Postpostoffice.
yeah those were the old days. ooh and
Since 2007, I’ve been making electronics to use in the public space. Recent workshops include Pixel Pusher, Nand to Xor, Playing with Little Bits.
Pixel pusher workshop was hosted by Math Practice Brooklyn. Lots of fun.
I went to hack some stuff at Ikea, Malmo. Read more.
and when OWS was evicted from Zuccotti Park, I made a mechanical protester to replace human ones..
I make books. My lastest book was published for Shanghai Biennial, Anti-Manifesto. It is a collection of writing and images from my works in 2012. Lots of thinking on Occupy Wall Street, participation, politics of art practice and so on. you can download it here.
Anti-Manifesto. Designed by Hyo Kwon. Published by New Normal Biz.
I also had a special chance to work with Moleskine to make a custom edition sketchbook for my project Invisible Cities.
Shows or Public spaces.
Latest solo exhibitions have been presented at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, Speaker’s Corners.
Speakers Corners was a month and half durational performance and exhibition.
I had the luck of being able to curate exhibitions featuring some of my favorite artists. Fair Exchange was with David Horvitz and Kyle McDonald.
Resistance and Resilience was with Mary Mattingly and Jon Cohrs.
some pics
Recent press:
Time out NY:Critic’s Pick
Gizmodo: Strangest man in IKEA
Kopenhagen: Interview with Taeyoon Choi
Huffington Post: Activist Technology Demo Day