
Uncertainty School participant exhibition, Interdependence, 2016, Commissioned by SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2016 Time: September 28 (Wednesday) – November 20 (Sunday) Opening: September 28 (Wednesday) 7pm Venue: Community Gallery of Buk-Seoul Museum of Art Program: “Conversation with the artists” September 28 (Wednesday)  7pm~8pm Uncertainty School participant exhibition Interdependence presents the participants’ works and progress of the program. Uncertainty School invited artists,… Continue reading Interdependence

Happening for SET

Happening for SET. November 5. 7~8 pm. 2015. 533 W 25th Some time ago, my friend Na invited me to stage a performance in her exhibition SET. We’ve been talking about our work and the relationships that inspire the work. I met Na for the first time about ten years ago in South Korea, and since then we’ve… Continue reading Happening for SET

Categorized as Organizing

Demo-Day Seoul

  Make it! Demo-Day Seoul will present work in progress by hackers, makers, activists and artists in Seoul. It is a public event open to all. Feb 1st will be workshop on open source technology and culture, Feb 2nd will be Demo-Day featuring participants work. High tech/ Low tech/ D.I.Y are all welcome! It will… Continue reading Demo-Day Seoul

Categorized as Organizing

Fair Exchange (Exhibition)

  This exhibition was realized. More info An exhibition proposal for Eyebeam Book Store with works Kyle McDonald, David Horvitz and Taeyoon Choi “Fair Exchange” presents work by artists who hack the system of knowledge production through participatory instructions and counter surveillance technology. Taeyoon Choi would like to curate exhibition and a (book launch) event… Continue reading Fair Exchange (Exhibition)

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로드쇼 대한민국 Eyebeam Roadshow South Korea

로드쇼:대한민국. 8.2011 1) 사업 목적: 동시대 미술은 갤러리나 미술관이라는 제도적인 전시공간의 제한에서 벗어난지 이미 오래이다. 많은 작가와 프로젝트성 공동 작업은 좀 더 다양한 공간에서 관객과 직접적인 소통을 갈망하고 작업의 과정이 중심되어 사회적인 역할을 확장한다. 지난 10년간 활발히 시도되어온 참여적인 공동체 예술, 관계적인 미학 그리고 리서치 중심의 미디어 작업의 맥락에서 은 기존에 한국에서 많이 시도된 ‘도시’,… Continue reading 로드쇼 대한민국 Eyebeam Roadshow South Korea

Anguk Temporary Space Residency

Temporary Space in Anguk, Seoul: 2009~2010 Artists Hwa yong Kim Pyo Jae Kyung Shim 2009 Visitors Julius von Bismarck and Richard Wilhelmer Marek Walczak and Rory Solomon Jamie Allen Cobi van Tonder Since living in New York in 2008, I run an artist residency in my home in  Seoul,… Continue reading Anguk Temporary Space Residency

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The Public School NY

Since fall of 2010, I am one of the committee member of TPSNY, an artist collective performing platform for pedagogy. I participate and facilitated classes such as ‘Performing Participation’, ‘Introduction to Sound Art’, ‘New French Theory- Introduction to Possible Future’, and ‘Anti-State Communism Reading Group’ and ‘Urban Foraging Reading Group’. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL is a school… Continue reading The Public School NY

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