Poetic Computation: Reader. Launch Party with HAWRAF

Poetic Computation: Reader is an online-book based on Taeyoon Choi’s lectures at the School for Poetic Computation. Designed and developed by HAWRAF, this new platform will be released open source and free to use. Come celebrate the book and learn about the features. Meet HAWRAF: Andrew Herzog, Carly Ayres, and Nicky Tesla, and editor Hannah Son.… Continue reading Poetic Computation: Reader. Launch Party with HAWRAF

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Liar’s Picnic 2017

Can you tell a true story from a false one? Liar’s Picnic, a project by artist Taeyoon Choi, is a participatory game where listeners must guess if the storyteller’s tale is true or false. Their agreement about the truth in story affects next round of play and the roles of the players take on. Based… Continue reading Liar’s Picnic 2017

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Sign Making Workshop LA

  There’s something profoundly fulfilling about making your own signs and protesting in the streets. Handwritten signs are personal and compelling. Signs can become an interface between crowd and city, a device to intervene in the public space and a tool for counter-narrative to the mainstream media. Sign making is an artistic form of social… Continue reading Sign Making Workshop LA

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Sign Making Workshop NYC

Hand­written signs are personal, compelling inter­faces between people and the city. A sign can also be a device for inter­vening into public space or a tool for intro­ducing counter-narra­tives to the main­stream media. If we consider protest signs as a poetic medium for social engage­ment, a sign making workshop is a space to develop your… Continue reading Sign Making Workshop NYC

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Poetics and politics of computation

Class at SFPC Summer 2016, June~August. Tuesday 10 am ~ 12:30pm, 155 Bank street, NYC Class website  Instructor: Taeyoon Choi. “Poetics and politics of computation” is a class for students to build conceptual tools and critical lens for artistic work with technology. In this class, students will learn about the history and contemporary issues of… Continue reading Poetics and politics of computation

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Coding 0 to 1, Grids

Introductory coding workshop for North Korean students at NKgo Daum School in Seoul. “NKgo Daum School Academy is an academic facility created solely to educate and foster North Korean students.” – Daum School I was invited by the US Embassy in Seoul to lead a one day workshop for students between age of 17~27. Most… Continue reading Coding 0 to 1, Grids

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Unlearning Disability

4/16/2016. Pioneerworks, New York Summit on pedagogy Unlearning is not “not-learning,” it’s the process of disengagement from conventional methods found in most schools and learning environments. It’s questioning of the way certain knowledge is produced, distributed and obtained. It’s a deliberate dismissal of the power structure inert in the knowledge. In this workshop, we will… Continue reading Unlearning Disability

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Art=Tech by ITP Teachers Corps. A small group of graduate students taught workshops for 20+ middle and high school students, parents and teachers. The workshops: Soft circuit, paper mechanism, stop motion animation and sound manipulation. It was heartwarming to see the youth and the graduate students bond over the day. ITP Teachers Corps is initiated… Continue reading Art=Tech

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Unlearning Day- 1

  이 발표는 서울시립대학에서 진행한 우리가 세운 벽을 탈학습 워크숍의 첫날 공개 진행되었습니다. 발표 후 데프 미디어 단장이신 박재현 감독을 소개하고 패널을 진행했습니다.  행사 내용   1~3. 저는 1995년에 미국에 가서 공립 중-고등학교를 다녔습니다. 1996년 정도 Yearbook 앨범에 찍힌 제 모습입니다. 그 후에 미술 대학으로 진학했습니다. 얼마전에 광주 아시아문화전당에서 발표할 기회가 있었습니다. 아주 오랜만에 한국어로 발표를… Continue reading Unlearning Day- 1

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Unlearning all the walls we’ve built- Day 1

워크숍: 우리가 세운 벽을 탈(脫)학습 하기 12.15~20, 2015 서울시 동대문구 전농2동 서울시립대학교 조형관 4층 소전시실 12.16 4~6pm  특강과 패널 (수화 통역) 공개 진행 발표: 최태윤 / 패널: 박재현 첫째 날: 교실-갈등의 장에서 학습하기   배움은 우리를 둘러싼 세계에 적극적으로 개입하는 행위입니다. 우리는 우리의 존재를 강화하기 위해 배웁니다. 이 발표에서는 2013년 뉴욕에서 공동 설립한 School for poetic… Continue reading Unlearning all the walls we’ve built- Day 1

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Concepts and Theory

Class website Photo album Class at SFPC, School for poetic computation, Fall 2015 This class based on Artist Tool Kit workshop I did in the SFPC summer session and also Allison Burtch’s Critical Theory of Technology class from Fall 2014. This class is focusing on the Theory, complementing other classes on Code and Hardware. The… Continue reading Concepts and Theory

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Unlearning all the walls we’ve built workshop

워크숍: 우리가 세운 벽을 탈(脫)학습 하기 첫째 날: 교실-갈등의 장에서 학습하기 둘째 날: 변화가 동트는 곳에서 탈학습 하기 셋째 날: 차이와 불확실성을 적극 포용하기 넷째 날: 변화가 무르익은 곳에서 공동체 형성하기 다섯째 날: 공동체에서의 책임을 위해 협업하기 탈(脫)학습이란, 일반적인 학교에서 배우고 가르치는 방식으로부터 적극적으로 거리를 두는 행위이며 동시에, 특정한 지식이 생산되고 유통되고 학습되는 방식을 의식적으로… Continue reading Unlearning all the walls we’ve built workshop

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Handmade Computer @Dundee

Handmade Computer Workshop at The NEoN  Digital Arts Festival in Dundee, Scotland. Learning to use the breadboard for the first time. Students helping each other. She made her first XOR logic from NAND! Breadboard full of jumper wires! and giant cake in the end! Special thanks to Donna Holford-Lovell, Sarah Cook and Creative Dundee friends!

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Hi! Lots of new workshops coming up! Oct 29 at Google Design Conference in NYC. and all the way in Scotland, as part of NEoN digital arts festival in November 11. and in Gwangju, South Korea at ACT Center on November 25.

Code poetry

Session website Role: Session organizer & Teacher   Poetic Computation is a practice and a community that sees the computer as a medium for artistic expression and critical thinking. It’s less impressed with the final result of the ‘thing’ and more supportive of the process, learnings and questions around creating the thing. Now that most… Continue reading Code poetry

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A letter to my students

  I wrote this letter for the Spring 2015 class of School for poetic computation, a small school for art and technology in New York City I co-founded and teach at. I read this today for fifteen or so students on the final day of the ten weeks program. The student body consist of artists,… Continue reading A letter to my students

Real-time film club

Real-Time Film Club is a casual, sporadically held series of meet-ups meant to generate in-depth discussions around I-S-O-P-T with likeminded artists, scientists, and thinkers. At Real-Time Film Club, a screening may or may not involve watching films that present themselves as “real-time” (think Run Lola Run), and it may or may not involve mechanisms for playing with… Continue reading Real-time film club

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Making Marathon

Making Marathon at Making Lab: APAP this August/September. Two days of continuos hacking and making Racers. (more on this post) This is a planning note for the curatorial team.      

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Game- storytelling

This is a hand written note to Yougju Kim, CC to Jinseong and Achim of Making Lab at APAP. We are trying to lead few workshops on interactive storytelling and game making. This is my thoughts on the workshop proposal and direction. It’s mostly in Korean with lots of English words and expressions. I was… Continue reading Game- storytelling

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Fingers in too many pies

초대장 파이가 너무 많아 APAP2013 프로젝트 <만들자 연구실>의 두번째 공개 행사로, 영국 맨체스터에서 다목적 메이커 스페이스를 운영하는 Manchester Digital Laboratory(약칭 MadLab)의 워크숍을 엽니다. 2009년 MadLab을 설립한 정화영과 데이브 미(Dave Mee)를 초대하여 MadLab의 운영 목적과 그 동안의 성과를 소개하고, 초소형 교육용 컴퓨터인 라스베리파이(Raspberry Pi)를 이용한 스크래치(Scratch) 워크숍을 통해 누구나 프로그래밍에 쉽게 접근하고 체험할 수 있는 자리를… Continue reading Fingers in too many pies

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School for Poetic Computation

  It is my most pleasure to announce I am part of a group of artists starting <School for poetic computation>. It has been amazing to work with Zach, Jen, Amit and hope to meet more artists, hackers soon. The school will happen in Fall of 2013 in Dumbo, New York. I will teach performance,… Continue reading School for Poetic Computation

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Experiments in Extra-Institutional Education

Please join us in person, or via livestream, for a conversation about Experiments in Extra-Institutional Education at the CUNY Gradate Center, April 11th at 630. Education outside of a traditional classroom is on the rise. Again. Spurred on by DIY culture, a tidal wave of student debt, and changes in technology, new non-traditional learning scenarios… Continue reading Experiments in Extra-Institutional Education

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Reading Rock Book Club

  Reading Rock Book Club is a gift library initiated by Taeyoon Choi in 2012. If someone loans or gifts a book to Taeyoon (which is in his wish list or a book that they recommends for him), he will read it and write back with notes in a month or so time. Taeyoon might… Continue reading Reading Rock Book Club

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Rutgers University Workshop

I went to give a workshop at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. I think Penn Station is the most depressing architecture in New York City. The trip from Penn to New Brunswick inspired me to sketch few strips of comic. I was complaining it on the Modernism to E roon, who teaches there and… Continue reading Rutgers University Workshop

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Class on François Laruelle

I’m organizing a class by Alex Galloway at the Public School New York. Continuing our work with him from There is nothing less than the act of fleeing (2009), French Philosophy Today (2010) and Dark Nights of the Universe (2012), this will be another exciting event. More info here. http://thepublicschool.org/node/33826/    Class leader: Alexander R. Galloway With… Continue reading Class on François Laruelle

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Reading Rock Book Club

Dear friends Do you like books? Do you like Internet? Do you want to read impossible text on unknowable subject? Join the Reading Rock Book Club for adventure in active reading! We will meet at some rock, decided by vote before each meeting, and read together and talk about what we think. Good thing about… Continue reading Reading Rock Book Club

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Pixel pusher

SO the workshop was lots of fun. thanks everyone for coming!   Pixel Pusher is a public workshop by Taeyoon Choi for artists and designers to push physical pixel. Pixel Pusher workshop from Taeyoon Choi on Vimeo. Here are some drawings from my slides for Pixel Pusher Workshop Electricity and myths of common myths regarding… Continue reading Pixel pusher

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I taught few graduate students from City College of New York on basic analog electronics. The lecture began with general overview of open hardware movement and lead into explaining what exactly is electricity. And I went on to explain electrical symbols and various parts that complete a circuit. The lecture is uploaded here. Second part… Continue reading NAND to XOR @CCNY