Learning and Playing with Little Bits in Seoul, South Korea. from Taeyoon Choi on Vimeo. I organized the first Little Bits workshop in Ga-Ok, Seoul, Korea in August 25th, 2012. This was a week after I organized ‘Open Hardware and Hacking’ workshop with Fab Coop, and thanks to many friends from media art community and… Continue reading Little Bits workshop
Category: Teaching
Little Bits Workshop in Seoul
Little Bits와 놀기 & 배우기 Little Bits는 새로운 개념의 오픈 하드웨어 키트입니다. 일반적으로 전자공학과 DIY 프로젝트를 하는 데 필요한 땜질이나 브래드보드 작업 없이 프로토타입을 손쉽게 조립할 수 있습니다. Little Bits는 교육과 놀이 목적으로 만들어졌지만, 그 외에도 여러 활용 가능성이 많은 키트입니다. 이 워크숍은 Little Bits의 작동 방식을 깊이 있게 이해하고 활용 방법을 모색하는 자리입니다. 워크숍을… Continue reading Little Bits Workshop in Seoul
Open Source Hardware & Hacking Workshop in Seoul
<이것은 어떻게 작동하나?> 오픈소스 하드웨어와 해킹 오픈소스 하드웨어는 D.I.Y 문화와 해커 커뮤니티에서 시작되었지만 근래에는 디자이너와 예술가뿐만 아니라 사회 참여를 추구하는 활동가들에게도 유용하게 활용되고 있습니다. 이번 워크숍은 전자공학과 프로그래밍에 대한 지식이 전혀 없는 분들을 위한 기초 워크숍입니다. 기본적인 전자 부품을 사용해서 소리를 내고 모터를 움직이는 회로를 만들고 아두위노와 센서를 활용해 피지컬 컴퓨팅 방법을 소개합니다. 그리고… Continue reading Open Source Hardware & Hacking Workshop in Seoul
Open Hardware Workshop in Seoul
8월에 서울에서 워크숍을 합니다. 디자이너 최빛나씨와 오래간만에 협업해서 청개구리 제작소의 일환으로 작업합니다. http://www.fabcoop.org/ 오픈 하드웨어와 프로토타이핑 오픈소스 하드웨어는 D.I.Y 문화와 해커 커뮤니티에서 시작되었지만 근래에는 디자이너와 예술가뿐만 아니라 사회 참여를 추구하는 활동가들에게도 유용하게 활용되고 있습니다. 이번 워크숍은 전자공학과 프로그래밍에 대한 지식이 전혀 없는 분들을 위한 기초 워크숍입니다. 기본적인 전자 부품과 IC 555, Tip 120 등을 사용해서 소리를… Continue reading Open Hardware Workshop in Seoul
Dark Nights #2
I’m working with the Public School New York and Recess Activities to document ‘Dark Nights of the Universe’ series. They have a plan to publish the lecture into a book. We are interested in eBook, multimedia solutions. Recess has a warmth in its space. Maia and Kamomi introducing. Daniel Colucciello Barber – Whylessness: The Universe… Continue reading Dark Nights #2
Dark Nights
I will help facilitate and attend this class series with The Public School New York and Recess http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/3949 Dark Nights of the Universe et nox sicut dies illuminabitur April 26–29, Classes nightly at 7pm Recess, 41 Grand Street, Ground Floor A four-night theoretical exploration of mysticism in dialogue with Du noir univers, a text by François… Continue reading Dark Nights
Calder’s Circus
I think I can teach how Calder made his Circus objects. and maybe build our own. Anyone want to learn?
On the May Day General Strike
On the May Day General Strike Time: 3.30.2012. 6~8pm Presented by: “Death to Capitalism Cinema“, “Speakers’ Corners“, “The Public School New York”, “Strike Everywhere” Location: “Speakers’ Corners”, Eyebeam Art and Technology Center Discussion moderated by Matt Paterson and Taeyoon Choi. Special guests to be announced. An evening of screening and open discussion about General Strike.… Continue reading On the May Day General Strike
OWS: Share Day
How can a social movement be preserved and represented through archives? What are creative waysarchives can be utilized now and in the future through digital technologies? Since September 17th 2011, protesters with Occupy Wall Street have raised their voices in public spaces across the country and taken it to the streets as well as online… Continue reading OWS: Share Day
Join TPSNY Today for an exciting class on Neo Materialism http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/3953 An open discussion following some ideas on Neomaterialism run by Joshua Simon, curator and writer and a 2011-2013 Vera List Center Fellow, who is researching expanded notions of Thingness as part of his fellowship. Some of the topics to be discussed – How come symbols behave… Continue reading Containers!!!
Activist-Tech Demo-Day
A group of us in the Eyebeam Urban Research Group and The Public School NY is planning an Activist Technology Demo-Day! The website is now live. http://demo-day.org/ Activist Technology Demo Day Saturday, January 28 3-6pm Eyebeam Art + Technology Center From Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street, technology has played an important role in shaping contemporary resistance and… Continue reading Activist-Tech Demo-Day
Activist Technology
————- I’m working on class/demo/lecture series on Activist Technology, in collaboration with Eyebeam Urban Research Group and The Public School New York. Collaborators include Amelia Marzec, Mark Shephard, Mary Mattingly, Jay Bachhuber, Dan Phiffer and many more . Activist Technology DEMO-DAY. website http://demo-day.org/ The Technology of Dissent:http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/3853 Class lecture: http://www.ameliamarzec.com/dissent.html We are planning a Demo Day… Continue reading Activist Technology
Teaching Philosophy
This text in work in progress. I post it online for share with friends to get feed back. 10/29/2011 Learning is percieved by many people as an elementary preparation to prepare for years of labor. Therefore, going to school indeed feels like going to work, and like work it is considered a necessary means to… Continue reading Teaching Philosophy
Marching against / with architecture and urbanism
Marching against and with architecture and urbanism Tomorrow 3pm. OCCUPY WALL ST/ Times Square Mention me with @tchoi8 on twitter if you want to find out where we are, and also to join the march. Dear friends, I will be marching against architecture and urbanism tomorrow afternoon. I will start in Greenwich Village, 66 West… Continue reading Marching against / with architecture and urbanism
Studying Urbanism at Occupy Wall street
Inspired by conversations in and around Occupy Wall Street, I’d like to read some text about urbanism and talk about the with TPSNY and others at Occupy Wall Street. The premise (or the question) is that Capitalism is inherently associated with Urbanism, that the way cities are built and the way suburbs are created and… Continue reading Studying Urbanism at Occupy Wall street
Invisible Crowd
In Spring of 2011, Taeyoon Choi collaborated with Red Channels, an open collective that organizes screenings and produces films, to present ideas about ‘Crowds in cinema’ at a social studies symposium in Chicago. Another manifestation of this collaboration was to produce a single channel video As a Crowd Gathers which was presented at the Whitney… Continue reading Invisible Crowd
Digital Day Camp 2011
In the hot summer of 2011, I taught about twenty high school students with three talented co-teachers at Eyebeam’s Digital Day Camp. It was a three week course and we covered everything from digital imaging to mapping and urban intervention. This is a lecture from the first day. And this is a documentation from student’s… Continue reading Digital Day Camp 2011
Invisible Resistance
I organized a Public School NY class by hosting Jay Bachhuber to teach and lead discussion on the strategy of Civil Disobedience. It was a very interesting process and the class had a wonderful group of people. We plan to continue hosting such classes in different capacity and context. Here is the class information. http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/2197… Continue reading Invisible Resistance
Introduction to Sound art
I facilitated and collaborated with the Public School New York and Eyebeam to host a series of 5 classes on Sound Art. http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/2732 http://vimeo.com/22218478
Urban Foraging
A class on reading about urban foraging, agriculture and nature, etc I help to facilitate this class with the Public School New York. http://nyc.thepublicschool.org/class/2830
organizing classes
I am currently organizing or teaching these classes with the Public School New York. Anti-communism reading group Introduction to Sound Art Urban Foraging reading group The Egyptian Revolution and its historical context Performing participation Specters of LA history and site specific resurrection Specters of NY
Performing Participation
I curated and facilitated an evening of performance and new media works. <Performing Participation #1> is a live performance and video screening that question the conditions of participation in contemporary art practice. Performance documentation of Brody Condon’s ‘Level Five’, Nadja V. Marcin’s ‘Nadja by Breton’ and Jon Cohr’s ‘Spice Trade Expedition’ will be screened.… Continue reading Performing Participation
Urban protest 2.0
2/14/2009 Today at Medialab-Prado Madrid, on the occasion of seminar, I want to talk about a period of time in South Korea between two great fires within roughly in a year. In January 2008, Namdaemun, the southern gate to the old city and the landmark of Seoul for more than 600 years, was destroyed by… Continue reading Urban protest 2.0
Urban Program Workshop
Urban Programming 101 @ Skopje, Macedonia. Report Taeyoon Choi (Artist / Organizer) Urban Programming 101 Workshop is originally designed as a 5 to 7 days workshop, last in the series of workshops following ‘Urban Codes’ and ‘Urban Hacking’. The workshop is a partly educational, but it is intended to function mostly as a platform for… Continue reading Urban Program Workshop
Project proposal: http://la.thepublicschool.org/note/2991 Specters of LA… Class Site: http://la.thepublicschool.org/class/1984 This is a proposal for a class – conversation – performance about the history and effects of riots in the Los Angeles area. I would like to present my research questions about the patterns of and conditions for urban riots in the American cities between 1965~1992, and the… Continue reading Riot
First Person Perspective Workshop
First Person Perspective is a workshop and collaboration between artist Taeyoon Choi and San Jose youth to create a movie shot entirely in ‘first person perspective’ using DIY headcams made from recycled materials. We will discuss the unique role of first person perspective in the history of filmmaking, ranging from cinéma vérité documentary film to… Continue reading First Person Perspective Workshop
Dotplay Telecom
Dotplay is 1. Dotlay is a network of local and international media artist, engineer, cultural researcher, and participants. 1. Dotplay maintains critical perspective on media technology, and deliver creative alternative to the mobile culture 1. Doplay explores and challenges various forms of happenings, participatory workshop, opensource manual, exhibition, performance, online publication. 1. Dotplay prefers process… Continue reading Dotplay Telecom