Category: Tools
A Skateboarder’s Guide to Fulton Mall
Take to skateboards in an exploration of four-wheeled transportation and local architecture along one of Brooklyn’s most iconic thoroughfares. Participants of all ages and skills are invited to join in this tour that aims to disrupt our conceptions of how we pass through a street. Following the tour, we’ll collaborate on a map-making exercise considering… Continue reading A Skateboarder’s Guide to Fulton Mall
Bit’s journey
Bit’s journey is an game about writing code and executing the program. The goal is to move the Bit, tiny figure, from Start to End, collecting as many stars as possible on the way. The Bit can only follow the lines and move one point at a time. On the game board, you write… Continue reading Bit’s journey
Drawing robot
Drawing robot exercise helps student to learn computation, specifically the concept of commands and pixels by communicating with another student using their bodies. Video documentation from Signing Coders at BRIC. This exercise was designed specifically for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. However, the exercise can be used for a wide variety of… Continue reading Drawing robot
Video Typer for CK
My frequent collaborator Christine Sun Kim performs with various textual interfaces to create works about sound and deaf culture. In “a real line ran near an ear” where Christine lead a project by “a workshop to investigate the various states of breath, wind, sound, silence and communication as they exist and transform through physical interaction and… Continue reading Video Typer for CK
Skating 10.25
Spam Mail
A collaboration by Taeyoon Choi and David Horvitz. Spam, rice, vegetable, envelopes, stamps. A brief history of Spam-mail project since 2013. Pictures from the Internet Yami-Ichi in New York City. Spam mail everywhere! Cost for Spam Mail postage $43.6 taxi to the venue $13. food $8.99 food 2 $8.66 spam $29.02 taxi from the subway… Continue reading Spam Mail
Furniture for all occasions
Furniture for all occasions, 2015 Fabricated in collaboration with Ikkyun Shin Exhibited at Gallery Factory, Seoul, South Korea
8 Bit RAM
Logic gate worksheet
Electronics Kits for SFPC workshop at the Making Lab, the 4th Anyang Public Art Project, 2014.
Edible computer
Full Adder with NOR Gate
This is a close up of the previous panel.
Modular Input
I have been busy hacking and designing, organizing Making Lab and SFPC, I haven not been able to post as much as I should have. So here is one tail end of a project I’m working on. it’s a input device for modular computer. It has two sets of 4 stay put switches, 2… Continue reading Modular Input
Sine wave
I’m trying to make an oscillator that generates different wave forms. After searching online and trying things at the studio, I got something that kind of works by happy accident. I didn’t really have the parts that were recommended in schematics for Wein-Bridge oscillator, so I tried a bunch of parts by guessing. It’s running… Continue reading Sine wave
Post Post Office
David Horvitz gave me hundreds of his photographs one day without any specific instruction. He told me to give it to anyone, or keep it. I thought about best way to distribute it. I’m willing to send them to strangers for free. I’ve been sending about three photographs per mail. I send photographs within few… Continue reading Post Post Office
Ghost box
Ghost box, 2013. A USB drive with my secrets. Mailed to strangers. Flash drive, 3D printed exterior.
Open source Kit
This is a concept for open source kit and illustrated tutorial for public workshop on basic electronics and computing. Kit is made of electronic, printed and found material. From teaching various workshops (like this one), I learned it is often more work to order, assemble and manage parts, than the teaching itself. In order… Continue reading Open source Kit
Body Adder
Noise Collector
Download related readings here, for limited time. HERE IT IS. This event sees Choi explain the process of Noise Collector, activating each part of the mechanism. Choi will reveal more politically charged aspects of the project in light of the Occupy Wall Street movement and in the wider context of recent international social movements. The workshop will… Continue reading Noise Collector
Dear friends. Can your device decode that QR Code? my phone does, but online services don’t. Need to know as it will be part of new sketchbook I’m making in collaboration with Moleskine and Eyebeam. tweet back @tchoi8 if it works or not. thanks dear! “This limited edition Moleskine sketchbook, designed by Taeyoon Choi in… Continue reading QR
How to pack my exhibition
An instruction for de-instillation for the lovely Gallery crew at Bennington College. If you are short of material, please get bubble wraps and cardboard boxes. Important thing is to distinguish between heavy and touch stuff which don’t need protection and fragile items. Place them separately so they don’t sit on top of each other in the van. Prints… Continue reading How to pack my exhibition
Hacking IKEA
12/6/2011 In IKEA Mega store near Malmø, the second largest store in the world and the largest in Europe, I made a field recording while making noise with motors and microcontroller in the showroom, often interacting with the shoppers and the products on display. These six sets of improvisational performance, or ‘the action’ does nothing… Continue reading Hacking IKEA
Still Life
I asked this broccoli “Where are you from? and where are you going?” and it said “I’m from a desert farm in El Centro, California, about 35 miles from the notorious Salton Sea, and I was living in Whole Foods on Bowery, NYC. Now I will probably go into your stomach and become part of… Continue reading Still Life
Invisible shadows
Dear readers of Area/Chicago I am drinking a cup of coffee with a half tea spoon of sugar and one piece of banana in my apartment in East Village, NYC. I am writing to you about my trip to Los Angeles in last December and what I was looking for, but did not find and… Continue reading Invisible shadows
Going shopping
This is one way of going shopping for food. I went up to Harlem to check out few grocery stores. I have been thinking about the relationship between the built environment and food. The idea started with wanting to track back where food, especially fruits and vegetables, come from. Food travels from the point of… Continue reading Going shopping
Central Farm
What if the Central Park is the new community farm for New York City residents? What kind of food can the space supply for the public? How much labor will be involved to maintain the farm? What will be the organizational structure and policy for this to make sense? I’d like to know 1. How… Continue reading Central Farm
EXTRACAPITAL is a system of non-currency for appreciating and trading for values outside of the Capitalist system. EXTRACAPITAL is a work in progress: a shared spreadsheet and a ticket machine that print out receipts for values that can not be monetized.
The Dodecagon was built as a set for various gatherings, reading groups, workshops and performances. Civil Disobedience Workshop at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, June 2011. The Dodecagon was fabricated with help of Claire Arbitz.
D.I.Y Urban Camping
How to Urban Camp D.I.Y Tool kit and manual for camping in urban space. Created in 2007/ Seoul