이 발표는 서울시립대학에서 진행한 우리가 세운 벽을 탈학습 워크숍의 첫날 공개 진행되었습니다. 발표 후 데프 미디어 단장이신…

Unlearning all the walls we’ve built- Day 1
워크숍: 우리가 세운 벽을 탈(脫)학습 하기 12.15~20, 2015 서울시 동대문구 전농2동 서울시립대학교 조형관 4층 소전시실 12.16 4~6pm 특강과 패널…

Concepts and Theory
Class website Photo album Class at SFPC, School for poetic computation, Fall 2015 This class based on Artist…

Unlearning all the walls we’ve built workshop
워크숍: 우리가 세운 벽을 탈(脫)학습 하기 첫째 날: 교실-갈등의 장에서 학습하기 둘째 날: 변화가 동트는 곳에서 탈학습 하기…

Handmade Computer @Dundee
Handmade Computer Workshop at The NEoN Digital Arts Festival in Dundee, Scotland. Learning to use the breadboard for the…

Video Typer for CK
My frequent collaborator Christine Sun Kim performs with various textual interfaces to create works about sound and deaf…

Thoughts on assistive technology
Original posting on SFPC blog, 7/2014 SFPC team* has been thinking about how to approach the concept of…

Anti-Manifesto is a book of my projects and collaborations between 2010~2012. It was designed by Hyo Kwon and published for…

Original article By Christine Sun Kim and Jayne Kim. “My family and I were cleaning out my grandparents’…

Happening for SET
Happening for SET. November 5. 7~8 pm. 2015. 533 W 25th Some time ago, my friend Na invited me…

Spam Mail
A collaboration by Taeyoon Choi and David Horvitz. Spam, rice, vegetable, envelopes, stamps. A brief history of Spam-mail…

Errantic poetry
‘Errantic poetry’ is a growing collection of poems written and interpreted in English, Computer software and American…
Hi! Lots of new workshops coming up! Oct 29 at Google Design Conference in NYC. and all the…

In search of personalized time
Project website: In Search of Personalized Time Collaboration with E Roon Kang Commission: Art + Technology Project, Los Angeles County…

Code poetry
Session website Role: Session organizer & Teacher Poetic Computation is a practice and a community that sees…

Incomplete Text
Incomplete text, 2015. Metronomes, sensors, microcontrollers, selfie-sticks. A collaboration by Taeyoon Choi and Christine Sun Kim. Performance at The Whitney Museum…

RAM city
Wall painting at LMCC Workspace Residency.

A letter to my students
I wrote this letter for the Spring 2015 class of School for poetic computation, a small school…

Furniture for all occasions
Furniture for all occasions, 2015 Fabricated in collaboration with Ikkyun Shin Exhibited at Gallery Factory, Seoul, South Korea

1 Bit Computer
1 Bit Computer, 2015. NAND Logic chips, Electronics, Wood. Series of Handmade Computer Technical information

Shift register
Shift Register, 2015. D type flip-flop, chips, Electronics, Wood. Series of Handmade Computer …

4 BIT FSM(Finite State Machine), 2015. Logic chips, Electronics, Wood. Series of Handmade Computer Technical information …