Soft Care
Soft care is a socially engaged art about personhood and technology. Taeyoon Choi, in collaboration with minority and disability communities, builds social sculpture, workshops, software, research, participatory performances, installations and paintings. Soft care focuses on implicit, nuanced and intricate forms of care between people and within oneself. Soft care investigates narratives around technological innovation and explicit solutions, problematizes the focus on cure versus care, challenges the concept of normalcy, disability, and impairment. Soft care supports transformative experiences of learning, making, and taking care of mental and physical health.
Distributed Web of Care
Can we code to care and code carefully? The Distributed Web of Care is a research initiative on communication infrastructure that explores the Distributed Web as a peer-to-peer, alternative web prioritizing collective agency and individual ownership of data and code. – Data and Society, School for Poetic Computation, Ace Hotel
Unlearning Disability
Unlearning is not “not-learning,” it’s the process of disengagement from conventional methods found in most schools and learning environments. It’s questioning of the way certain knowledge is produced, distributed and obtained. It’s a deliberate dismissal of the power structure inert in the knowledge In Unlearning Disability, we transform the notion of normalcy, by investigating experiences of conflict that we all inhabit in our bodies. – Pioneerworks, University of Seoul.
Signing Coders
Signing Coders is a series of workshops on creative expression with computer programming, art and poetry that focuses reaching out to youth who are Deaf or hard of hearing. As an educational initiative for accessibility and diversity, the workshops are free and open to people of all age and ability. To ensure inclusive learning experience, real-time transcription will be provided along with ASL interpretation. – BRIC
Teaching as Art
Teaching as Art is a class for artists and creative technologists who want to teach. A good teacher is also a great student themselves. They transform their curiosity into knowledge and share their learning processes with others. Teachers can invent new forms of learning spaces, new kinds of collaboration and new senses of community. – NYU ITP, EYEO festival
Uncertainty School
Uncertainty School is a school to explore potential that cannot be described in a language of the world of certainty. The school’s curriculum focuses on art, technology, disability, and their correlation with one another, and aims at unlearning of exclusive or discriminatory viewpoints we have unconsciously accepted. The school provides sign language interpretation, translation, stenography, taking participants’ various types of disability into consideration, and offers education in a space easily accessible by the people with varying types of physical disabilities. – Mediacity Seoul 2016, Seoul Museum of Art
Coding 0 to 1
Coding 0 to 1 is an introductory coding workshop for North Korean students at NKgo Daum School in Seoul, South Korea. Coding 0 to 1 was a one day workshop for students between age of 17~27. Most of the students relocated to Seoul recently, and identified as defectors, migrants or refugees from North Korean diaspora. The workshop was three hours long, for 12 students using Windows computers. Almost all of the students did not have any experience with code. – US Embassy in Seoul
Access Breach: Interweaving Poetic Futures & Intersectional Dreams
Access Breach is a collaboration with Rebirth Garments, CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile), and Eaton HK on a Fashion extravaganza inspired by Rebirth Garment’s framework of Radical Visibility. This fashion show is to center queer, trans, disabled people of color in a beautiful ball room in Eaton HK.
Creative Coding for Different Learners
More than 6,000 languages are spoken around the world today. As people speak different languages, people from different cultures have difficulty communicating with each other. Even within the same culture, non-disabled and disabled people need more efforts to communicate. Most hearing people don’t learn sign language, and they think deaf people can read their lips. This Creative Coding workshop was held in the Uncertainty School, 2016 for disabled communities.
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